Get Back on Track in St. Louis on March 14th

and make 2015 the year you reach your goals!

Did you set a big 2015 goal for yourself, and now you wonder if it’s really possible? Did you avoid setting any goals, even if there’s stuff you’d really like to do, because you can’t stand the thought of being disappointed? (Again.)

Janine . . . → keep reading

42 is the answer to . . .

Tuesday, 11/11, will mark three and a half years of monthly Explore & Play classes, which means it’s also class 42.

Since 42 is the answer to “the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything,” it’s the perfect time to let go of something that was once a big thing, to create space for . . . → keep reading

How Are You Celebrating Boring & Dull Day?

Shannon Wilkinson can't help smiling!

Yes, it’s totally a thing here in Oregon! And it’s this Saturday, August 9th.

It commemorates the pairing of the city of Boring, in Oregon, and the village of Dull, in Scotland, as a “Pair for the Ages”. If that makes you smile, you’ll find the full text of the law pretty entertaining.

Now, as . . . → keep reading

Is it time for More?

I’m not currently offering these monthly calls. If you’d like to keep up with the latest, please sign up on the right side of the page!

I celebrated the anniversary of my monthly Explore & Play classes with a fantastic call, and all the awesome people that joined in. It was great to have . . . → keep reading

Time to Vote!

I don’t know what I was thinking. Oh, I’ll just ask people for ideas, and then I’ll pick three and announce it. Easy peasy.


Somehow, I forgot how creative and wise and curious my readers are. The suggestions I received are phenomenal. Really. Which, of course, has made it quite difficult to choose.

But, . . . → keep reading

Submit Your Idea by Midnight Tuesday

The two year anniversary of the Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hours is coming up very soon.

But before that, though, is the deadline for you to submit your ideas. Yes, to celebrate this occasion, you get to suggest, and then pick the topic for the next call!

Where do you get stuck? . . . → keep reading

Explore & Play is TWO!

On May 10th, 2011 I held the very first Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hour, Overcoming Overwhelm.

Since that time I’ve taught two dozen different classes and coached dozens of people through at least as many issues during the live calls.

When I started them, I wasn’t sure how they would go.

Would I . . . → keep reading

Pay What You Wish for Boring Change

Shannon Wilkinson can't help smiling!

If you follow the Perception Studios Facebook page or are on my list, you already know how I’m giving back for my birthday. If not*, then you missed a big announcement.

See, I had lots of fun things planned over the weekend to celebrate my St. Patrick’s Day birthday, but it still felt like something . . . → keep reading

Trying to Contact Me?

If you’ve tried to contact me recently using one of the fancy forms on my site, whether it’s to suggest an Explore & Play topic or ask a question about coaching, I probably did not receive your email.

While it’s true my email inbox has been a little backlogged, that’s not the reason. Apparently, there’s . . . → keep reading

You are invited to a special event in Portland on August 3rd

Janine Adams & Shannon Wilkinson at the Create Freedom and Ease with Habits and Routines Workshop in St. Louis

We’re sorry, but we’ve had to cancel this event. We hope to present it again in the future! If you crave…

a simpler life,

lasting ease,

the freedom to do what you really want,

please join us for the three-hour workshop:

Create Freedom and Ease with . . . → keep reading