42 is the answer to . . .

Tuesday, 11/11, will mark three and a half years of monthly Explore & Play classes, which means it’s also class 42.

Since 42 is the answer to “the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything,” it’s the perfect time to let go of something that was once a big thing, to create space for . . . → keep reading

October Coaching Hour (an Explore & Play Class)

It’s October coaching hour on Tuesday! What’s keeping you stuck? Call in on Tuesday and get coached through your pattern of procrastination, angst about uncertainty or frustrating situations.

Whether you get coached or not, I can guarantee that you’ll leave the call with new techniques and strategies that you can use immediately. And, as always, . . . → keep reading

Put off Procrastination (an Explore & Play Class & Coaching Hour)

Is your to-do list cluttered with things you just can’t get yourself to do?

Do you have things you’d love to be doing, but just can’t find the time?

Imagine what your life be like if . . .

. . . you could quickly get through the stuff that has to be done and . . . → keep reading

August Coaching Hour (an Explore & Play Class)

Tuesday it’s time for our August coaching hour! If you have a project you can’t seem to start, a relationship that pushes your buttons or you find yourself in an unhelpful pattern, call in and get coached through your situation.

Whether you get coached or not, I can guarantee that you’ll leave the call with . . . → keep reading

Freedom from Self-Talk (a No-Cost Explore + Play Class + Coaching Hour)

How’s your inner critic treating you? It’s not unusual to have an unkind tyrant with a non-stop monologue criticizing your every move. Even if your inner dialogue isn’t so harsh, if it’s distracting or anything other than supportive, it can keep you stuck and feeling bad.

During the July Explore & Play Class & Coaching . . . → keep reading

Change your Mind, Change your Life (an Explore & Play Class & Coaching Hour)

Your perceptions guide your actions. What you think directly impacts how you feel and what you do. You have much more control over your mind than you think.

During the June Explore & Play Class & Coaching Hour, I’ll be teaching you how you can change your mind to make small and big changes in . . . → keep reading

May Coaching Hour (an Explore & Play Class)

Tuesday it’s time for our May coaching hour! If you have a project you can’t seem to start, a relationship that pushes your buttons or find yourself in an unhelpful pattern, call in and you could get coached through your situation.

Whether you get coached or not, I can guarantee that you’ll leave the call . . . → keep reading

April Coaching Hour (an Explore & Play Class)

The second Tuesday in April is just about here, and that means, time for another coaching hour! Whether you’re coached live or not, there’s always plenty to gain from these calls. After each person is coached, I’ll pull out key strategies and ideas for you to use in your unique situation. Plus, I’ll answer your . . . → keep reading

March Coaching Hour (an Explore & Play Class)

Tuesday, March 11th, is another full coaching hour! There’s no planned topic, but will be plenty to learn — even if you aren’t coached live.

I will be drawing from each mini-coaching session to give you tips or ideas that you can apply to your unique situation. At the end of the call, you’ll have . . . → keep reading

February Coaching Hour (an Explore & Play Class)

December’s Coach-a-thon was super popular. And, I’ve been hearing more and more from people that they love the coaching part of the Explore & Play calls most of all.

So, we’re going to try an experiment this month.

The February call, on Tuesday, February 11th, will be a full coaching hour! This will mean coaching . . . → keep reading