How Are You Celebrating Boring & Dull Day?

Shannon Wilkinson can't help smiling!

Yes, it’s totally a thing here in Oregon! And it’s this Saturday, August 9th.

It commemorates the pairing of the city of Boring, in Oregon, and the village of Dull, in Scotland, as a “Pair for the Ages”. If that makes you smile, you’ll find the full text of the law pretty entertaining.

Now, as . . . → keep reading

Acting on a Whim

Rainbow over the St. Johns Bridge in Portland Oregon

Tuesday morning I was in tears. It wasn’t the first time over the last couple of days.

I was overjoyed and overwhelmed with emotion by the response to my giving back on my birthday offer. Nearly 50 generous people joined in, named their price for Boring Change, and contributed to the pot for Kiva lending.

. . . → keep reading

Pay What You Wish for Boring Change

Shannon Wilkinson can't help smiling!

If you follow the Perception Studios Facebook page or are on my list, you already know how I’m giving back for my birthday. If not*, then you missed a big announcement.

See, I had lots of fun things planned over the weekend to celebrate my St. Patrick’s Day birthday, but it still felt like something . . . → keep reading

Bookkeeping Becomes a Treat

Janine Adams

Change. Gah! Why does it have to be so hard? That’s what we think anyway. It doesn’t have to be.

Emphatically not.

Here’s the first of many stories I’ll be sharing with you about making a major change the drama-free, ease-filled, boring way.

The dreaded bookkeeping backlog

Bookkeeping is rarely anyone’s favorite business management tasks. . . . → keep reading