Gentle Untangling Please

I’m still  on my little working wellness retreat at the Oregon Coast.

This time is allowing me to get away from my usual distractions and to focus on writing and developing useful and fun ways to support you and of course training.

What comes naturally?

I also wanted to see what my natural rhythms are really like. If my day has little structure, when do I want to do the things that I want to do?

Over the last couple of months, as I’ve been engaging in different challenges for my birthday and blogging, I’ve noticed some patterns and tendencies show up:

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the last two in particular.

They are pretty intertwined those two.

I’ve been noticing that the rules fuel the resistance to the structure that I so crave. And the desire for structure has me wanting to make rules.

Rules and resistance

With all the spaciousness of this retreat, I’ve been able to play with these things. Experiment. Try different things and discover what works for me and what doesn’t. I’ve learned a lot about what helps me melt the resistance and what fuels it.

Seeking the ease-ful and gentle way. Yes!

Force and willpower? Not so much.

I’ll be delving into this much more deeply tomorrow, on the Explore & Play class.

I hope you’ll be there.

Photo credit: Intertwined by rachaelvoorhees on Flickr


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