Anticipating the need for rest

And perhaps more importantly, scheduling it.

Sunday’s a big day for me.

It’s the Portland Marathon.

All that training I’ve been talking about? It all pays off on Sunday. And by pays off I mean, I finish the marathon and can walk the next day.

Based on my limited race history, I know that afterward I’m likely to experience a strange combination of being amped up and spent at the same time.

Not a good combination for teaching.

So I made a decision to push back this month’s Explore & Play class a week. And I’m not feeling guilty about it.

Rest takes time.

And, I booked a float later in the week. Plus time with friends and plain old down time. And, not feeling guilty about any of it.

About the class.

If you’re already on the list, you should have received an email reminding you about the date change to October 16th.

If you didn’t get an email, you won’t get a reminder with the call in number either. So, hurry up and enter your email over there in the little box under Join The Party.

Consider this your personal invitation. I’d love to have you there.

2 comments to Anticipating the need for rest

  • Go Shannon! I think the ideas of pushing things back and scheduling a float (which sounds so deliciously relaxing, by the way) are wonderful ones. My wife is training for her first marathon right now, and it is *quite* the process, to say the least. Have a wonderful 26.2 miles, and I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you.

    • Thanks Kylie! Sometimes I think that marathon training is so arduous to make the marathon itself seem doable. (I won’t go so far as to say easy!)

      I will definitely share my experiences, with the marathon and the float.

      Wish your wife happy training and a fun race!

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