What do you like?

In my last newsletter I talked about the kind of self-care that can hurt you, like unhealthy food treats, buying things you can’t afford, you know what I’m talking about. Well that started the questions. What can I do that doesn’t cost too much, doesn’t make my pants tighter, or doesn’t entail running away from it all.

Well, that depends. Yeah, I know, annoying answer, but it’s true. It’s a question that you’ll want to spend some time with. For me, I love a good book. Or spending time in the garden. Or getting a cup of tea at a local coffee shop and watching the world go by. For you it might be different, probably is different.

But the key thing for me, is to do whatever it is I’m treating myself with, freely and without guilt. You could be in the most luxurious spa getting the treatment of royals, but if you’re worrying about what you should be doing it’s not healthy self-care at all.

So, start a list of things that you love to do, that make you feel cared for and refreshed. What gives you the energy to go out and kick some ass in the way that only you can?

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