Weighed Down by Mail

I stopped at my PO Box today. Nothing urgent in there, so I just slipped the mail in my bag. Not such a big deal, except that I’ve done that the last three times I’ve been by the Post Office.

So now, I’m not only hauling around extra weight and having to shove my computer into my bag, rather than having it slide smoothly into it’s pocket, I also have a little niggling worry that maybe there is something in there that’s important and needs my attention.

It’s starting to turn into a phantom energy draw, not to mention a physical energy zapper.

Changing the pattern

So this evening, I’m going to take care of it: Grab the recycle bin, my mail action box, put on an episode of Alias (I didn’t watch it when it was on, and am now enjoying it from the beginning!), pull everything out of my computer bag and sort.

Any I don’t wanna worries that pop up are being soothed with the help of my friend and collaborator, Janine Adams. She is sponsoring a one-week challenge about mail sorting on the great website Daily Feats.

By joining the challenge I’ll get encouragement, the benefit of working in community, some great ideas on how to go about the process, and rewards!

You know how much I love rewards

The rewards for this are multiple.

There are the points awarded by Daily Feats. The satisfaction of dealing with the mail. The future ease of carrying my bag. Knowing that my PO Box or stacks of unopened mail aren’t going to turn into an Ellis Island nightmare.

Join me?

If you have a pile of mail that needs to be sorted and want to develop a habit to deal with it everyday, I encourage you to join me in this challenge. If you are already a Daily Feats member (it’s free), head straight over to the challenge. If you aren’t yet signed up, I recommend visiting Janine’s blog post about the challenge and using the link at the end of the post. You’ll get a 100 point bonus!

You can redeem your points for discounts, gift cards or charitable donations.

Photo Credit: Mail Stack by Pat00139 on Flickr


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