That Looks Suspiciously Like a Slope

Over seven months ago, I started a one-month blogging challenge of posting five days a week. After four (4!!!) months of daily posting, I decided to shift my posting schedule to three days a week.

When I decided to do that, I shared my concern “that not posting each weekday will cause the habit to fall apart, that it will be too easy to put off posting once or twice, and before you know it, I’m back to my sporadic posting.”

Hello this last week

It started with American Thanksgiving on a Thursday. I lost track of the days, forgot and didn’t write Good | Bad | Rad #17 until Sunday. Since I had just posted, I kind of forgot on Monday that to stick with my schedule, I needed to write another blog post. I did get it done, but not until late at night.

And then yesterday happened.

I was out in the world, with computer in tow. But, despite my best intentions, I still didn’t get a post done. I was going to write it as soon as I got home, but became distracted by a family member’s health situation (everything’s okay!) and after staying up way past my bedtime, decided sleep was more important than sticking to my arbitrary blogging schedule. I could post first thing in the morning.

But I didn’t.

The list of reasons rationalizations about why I wasn’t blogging when I intended to, was long. And today, I found myself spending a fair amount of time worrying about whether this was a slope I was standing on, and trying to determine if it was slippery, and what was I going to do if it was.

Oh, hello pattern my old friend.

Funny thing, is that all I needed to do was post and all my questions would be answered. Or rather, the questions would become irrelevant. It wouldn’t matter if it was indeed a slope. And who cares if it’s slippery or not?

It took most of the day to get to this point, but here I am. I’ve stepped away from what may or may not have been a slippery slope. I’m still on the blogging path. Right now, it looks like I won’t be falling on my ass in the immediate future.

(Not really a) crisis averted.

Photo credit: Kick Up Your Heels and Have a Great Time Here OR Be Careful – Slippery Surface by mikecogh


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