A Gift of Better Sleep

Remember when I confessed that I’m sleeping with my iPhone? Now, you can too. For free!

MotionX, the company that makes my favorite sleep app, has offered you, my readers, a promotional code to download the app for free.

It’s totally worth the regular $2.99 price, but free makes the decision to give it a . . . → keep reading

Happy Changes for Happy Mornings

One of the secrets of making changes that stick, is starting so small that you don’t wake up the Chicken Little part of your brain. It’s that idea of setting yourself up for success, because even the tiniest of successes are encouraging.

Yes I know, there’s also the hard part of starting small. You want . . . → keep reading

The new 24/7 app on my iPhone: MotionX-Sleep

You know I love my iPhone, right?

I take it on runs and rides with me, I use it to help me see things differently and now, I sleep with it.

But not so I can read email or play one last game of Scramble with Friends before nodding off. In fact, I put it . . . → keep reading

Good | Bad | Rad #7

A look back at some of the best, worst and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

High-Tech Solutions. In last week’s Good | Bad | Rad review, I mentioned that while I was happy to be sleeping, I was finding myself over-sleeping and feeling rushed and groggy in the mornings. Janine was kind . . . → keep reading