Super Simple Self Coaching (an Explore & Play Class)

Coaching yourself doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated.

While I have a varied and eclectic collection of coaching tools available, there’s one basic thing that I come back to time and time again. It’s super-simple and you can use it on your own.

I use it over and over again to get myself (and my clients) through a whole variety of stuck spots. It can help you too.

December’s call is early.

Because of my travel schedule, the next Explore & Play Class and Coaching Hour will be on Tuesday, December 4th. During the call I’ll share this super simple self-coaching process, and guide callers through it. I’ll also be answering any questions you have about coaching, NLP and hypnosis.


What a great call!

I walked everyone through the process, shared an example, then guided three callers through how to use it for themselves. Darcy & Liz got help on getting things done they’ve been wanting to do (but not doing) and Elizabeth transformed discomfort around a money situation.

Want a go-to process to coach yourself in a variety of situations?

Get the Class Sorry, no longer available

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