Good | Bad | Rad #24 – Heavy on the Good

A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Shannon Wilkinson & Friends dressed for Downton Abbey PremiereCelebrating. Sunday was the season premiere of Downton Abbey, and, the day before a friend’s birthday. We celebrated with a dinner party and episode viewing. In costume. It would have been a wonderful evening no matter what, but the costumes made it even more fun!

Racing & Placing. Even though I’ve run a couple of half marathons and a couple of full marathons, I somehow managed to skip right over the 10k in my rather short running history. With the encouragement of a running friend, I signed up for a series of seven 10k races around the Portland-area. The first in the series, Y2K13, was last Saturday. I was really happy with my performance, especially given that I haven’t been training, just running occasionally. I was especially surprised to get fourth place in my age division!

Shannon Wilkinson places fourth at the ORRC Y2K13 10KSweet Surprise. There are a couple of cafes and coffee houses I frequent in my neighborhood. (Sometimes I just need to get out of the house to get my work done!) This week, one of my favorite baristas surprised me with a little unexpected personalization on my cup.

The Bad

This week, I’ve got nothing. I could talk about how I feel like I’ve been fighting a cold since 12/31 or that I’ve had some sleeping issues, again, or that during Trivia Night at the local pub, we missed a couple of easy ones, not to mention missing six out of 10 in the geography category (embarrassing!). But really? Nothing has been bad enough to categorize it as bad. Sweet Surprise from my Favorite Barista

The Rad

Inbox Zero. Inbox Zero baby! Who knew? Well, lots of you. I just never imagined how freeing it would be. How, awesome it would feel to stay on top of my email, have no concerns that something important was lurking in there, getting shuffled further and further away from my attention.

My tolerance has also recalibrated. I’ve gone from being someone who just accepted that I had hundreds of emails, to someone that gets a little antsy if my inbox gets into double-digits. It’s so much easier to deal with everything that comes in, respond appropriately and quickly. All the things that kept me from dealing efficiently with my email in the past have just vanished.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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