Good | Bad | Rad #11

A look back at some of the best, worst and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Floating. I’ve been curious about floating ever since Float On opened in Portland. If you haven’t heard about it, it’s floating in a tank filled with about 14 inches of water and 850 pounds of Epsom salts. You can’t sink. It’s completely dark. It’s soundproof. Yep, a sensory deprivation extravaganza. I had high hopes for the experience and it was better than I expected. I thought/hoped I’d have a blissed out/dreamy feeling afterwards, but instead I felt, still feel actually, extremely clear and present, content and happy. A very deep sense of contentment and happiness. There definitely will be more floats in my future.

The Bad

Stolen Bike. I know things get stolen all of the time. And yet, I still just can’t believe that people think that somehow it’s okay to take something that belongs to someone else. On Sunday, I rode my bike down to the Portland Marathon. But when I finished and went to ride home, it was gone. The lock, everything gone. As if it had never been there. It was so disappointing! I loved that bike. I put some serious miles on it over the last five years, including riding it over 100 miles from Portland to the Coast.

The Rad

Qualifying. I ran my second marathon on Sunday. I really hoped to finish in under four hours, but I didn’t know if I could do it. It would require me to run at an average pace more than 30 seconds faster per mile than I did last year, to shave that much off my time. And then there was my secret hope of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. That would require another 10 seconds faster per mile.

After missing a key month of training this summer, I was trying to reset my goals to just finishing, and being able to walk the next day.

As I shared on Monday, I did it! I managed to shave nearly 20 minutes (over 40 seconds per mile) off last year’s time and qualify for Boston. Being relatively new to running, and a relative couch potato for most of my adult life, this is such a stunning accomplishment for me. I still can hardly believe that I pulled it off.

Now just to be clear, the odds of me actually getting to run the Boston Marathon based on these results are virtually nil, because there are far more registrants than spots, and I just barely beat the qualifying time. But that doesn’t dampen the thrill of qualifying, especially with the more stringent times recently instituted.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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