Coming Soon to a website near you! The one you’re looking at in fact…

In my most recent newsletter, (subscribe here) I shared with readers that I’ve been exploring how I can embrace a niche in my coaching practice. While it may seem like a good thing to have a market as big as, “I can help anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life,” it really isn’t unless you have the marketing budget of Coca Cola. I don’t, so niche hunting I went.

Early in 2008 I honed in on working with people who felt pulled between their business and family lives. There is something really valuable to this, and I think there’s a real need for it, but it wasn’t quite right for me.

Recently I put it together. What really gets me excited is helping people do something they love, whether they need to discover it, nurture it, or develop it into a business. It all really fires me up. It uses so much more of my experience and skills. And how great to have more people spending time feeling good about doing something they love. Good for all of us.

After making this announcement, albeit to a pretty small audience, I started getting lots of support and encouragement and a few questions.

A couple people wanted to know how I went about discovering this. It was a multi-part process. First, there were the big things, classes and a retreat with Mark and Holly over at Heart of Business, and Ittybiz’s Online Business School then there were the little things, like meditation and journaling that were supported and enhanced by two amazing things, Dance of Shiva and CDs from the Immrama Institute.

I’ve written about Dance of Shiva before. It’s just one of the coolest things I’ve ever done to open up my mind (and nix the negative self-talk) and meditate and write and think and just generally be creative.

As for the CDs, they sound like rain when you listen to them. But they do something really cool to your brain. My summary of the official explanation is that they use binaural beat technology to shift your brainwaves into a deeper state of relaxation and create new neural pathways.

My experience? Listening to the Insight CD right after doing Dance of Shiva, and then listening to the Focus CD while writing, helped me really get in touch with what was important to me. Oh, and Immrama is having a little sale. Click on one of the links in this post, and use the coupon code IMM427 when you check out to get $10 off the Insight or Focus CDs. (The code is only good through December.)

As I mentioned in the newsletter, making this shift feels a teeny bit scary and a whole lot right. Probably should have my website rewritten already, but I don’t and I want to start sharing this with people now!

I’ll definitely let you know when the new changes are up.

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