And now for something completely different


Remember that amazing writing workshop I went to last December? One of the things the lovely Alexandra Franzen did was give us a writing prompt in the form of a tarot card. She showed us the card, gave a quick description and then we had to dash off a poem in a few minutes time. (Get it? Tarot + Poetry = Tarotetry)

It was a great exercise for me. I’m not one to write much in the way of poetry, except for those wretched scrawls during a particularly bad break-up. (What is it about love gone wrong that makes you write bad poetry?)

I had forgotten about this writing until today, when I was thumbing through my notebook from the workshop. The few words I wrote then jumped out at me today, and I want to share them. Perhaps they will prompt something for you.

The Ten of Earth Tarot Card

The path is full and you continue

Because it is time.

The perfection of perfusion
of simplicity of tangle
of clarity.

It is time.


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