Good | Bad | Rad #45 – Flower, Flower, Flour

A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week. Plus a few of my favorite photos taken during the week. Sometimes, they’re even relevant.

The Good 

Restoring Nature. In my part of Portland, there’s an area called Baltimore Woods. It’s 40 acres of land that being reclaimed and restored to its natural state. Last year, a portion of Baltimore Woods was depaved, and a controlled burn was conducted. There were trash pickups, and plantings. Periodically, I walk through the area. I hadn’t been for awhile, and decided to head down there. What a glorious surprise! What, a year ago was a parking lot, is now a meadow of wildflowers and grasses. It was absolutely delightful to discover the change. It’s the opposite of the Joni Mitchell song (made popular recently by Counting Crows) Big Yellow Taxi…They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. I love living in a place where we depave paradise and put up a wildflower meadow.

Flowers from Strangers. That alone is good, but the whole story of stumbling into a photo scavenger hunt is even better.

Homebaked bread! And, enough to share with friends and freeze some for later.

Yasso 800s. Burt Yasso is a legend in the running world, and a simple marathon training workout bears his name, Yasso 800s. They’re incredibly simple. Run 800 meter repeats, resting in between. But, here’s the key: your marathon goal time, say 3:45 in my case, becomes your 800 meter time, but in minutes and seconds, rather than hours and minutes. The theory goes, if you can do ten of these a week or two out from your marathon, you’ll hit your time. They aren’t without controversy and naysayers, but I can definitely tell you that hitting the time for not just ten this week, but 12 (because I lost count), helped me relax just a little bit more into trusting my training.

The Bad

Father’s Day.  Missing my dad becomes more acute on certain days. It was just his birthday at the end of May, and then two weeks later was Father’s Day. It’s a one-two punch.

That's an awful lot of whatever that is in those tanker cars.

Extreme Tiredness Week Two. Yeah, this definitely isn’t just your normal sleepy. It actually prompted a visit to my doctor, which is extreme in my world. But needing two naps a day calls for extreme measures. Unfortunately, nothing yet has been revealed, and my doctor is now on maternity leave. So, I’ll be looking for a new doc to see if we can solve this. I have a lead on one, and hopefully will have something good to report soon.

The Rad 

Client Accomplishment. This week, one of my clients finished her big dream project. I get way more than a vicarious thrill when clients achieve the big project or dream or change they bring to our work together. It’s why I’m in my 10th year of coaching, why I mostly work with clients for more than a few sessions.  Even though I work with clients for a set period of time (6, 9 or 12 months), I don’t always remember how much longer we have together. That was the big surprise this week. I received the email from my client that she had finished just before our final session. Neither of us realized our time together was up — the timing was serendipitous.

The end is always a little bittersweet too. We’ll continue to work together, just much less frequently, but that does mean a good thing for one of you. If you have a dream, goal, project, change you’d like to bring into the world. I have a spot available to help you bring Unbelievable Ease to it (and the rest of your life).

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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