I'm in Wikipedia! And other random tidbits.

Tidbit #1 – I’m in Wikipedia.

And, by “in” Wikipedia I mean that I was part of the “group of climbers” that aided an injured climber in one of the listed accidents. It remains one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

Tidbit #2 – I’m writing a novel in November.

Don’t you love that conviction? November means National Novel Writing Month. I first learned about NaNoWriMo in November 2004. My friend and Declutter Happy Hour co-teacher, Janine Adams told me about it and somehow convinced me to do it with her.

The conversations went something like this:

Janine: “It’s National Novel Writing Month! It’s too late to join the official one, but I want to do it in December.”

Me: “Cool.”

Janine: “You should do it too.”

Me: “Okay.”

I must have been weakened by all the arm twisting, because that was an insane idea.

I had no experience writing fiction, unless you count poorly researched college term papers and that play my friends and I wrote in six grade. (It was a modern re-telling of the Cinderella story. But instead of a gown and glass slippers Cyndi wore San Francisco Riding Gear and Sbiccas, and went to a disco and danced to music from Saturday Night Fever.)

Besides the extreme lack of fiction writing experience, I didn’t have a story idea or even a character in mind for my novel in 2004. All things Chris Baty, founder of NaNoWriMo claims to not be a problem. In fact, that’s what he called his manifesto and novel writing guidebook, No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days.

He was right. At the end of December, I had a novel. Parts of it were barely readable, but some parts were actually kind of good. I was surprised that quantity over quality didn’t entirely eliminate quality.

This year I’m starting with an idea. It came to me at the Taos Writers’ Retreat. I also have at least one writing buddy, Janine’s doing it again too (read her great post about it). And maybe most importantly, I fired that mean-ass inner critic and hired my dead uncle.

Tidbit #3 – November also means Thanksgiving

November isn’t just National Novel Writing Month, it’s also time for Thanksgiving, and the beginning of the holiday season. It’s also the perfect time to get 28 days of tips, techniques and insightful inspiration to help you clear the clutter from your home. We’re offering a $20 discount on Declutter Happy Hourthrough Thursday, 10/29.

Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving and just want a unique and inspired way to declutter your space, it’s a great program. See for yourself what’s possible. There’s also a link for free help when you’re having a clutter emergency.

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