Good | Bad | Rad #6 – The can you marry an app? edition

A look back at some of the best, worst and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

New Welcome Post. If you haven’t visited the home page here at Perception Studios for awhile, take a look. I’d love to hear what you think. (And keep your eye’s peeled, there’s more new stuff on the way!)

Sleeping. This week was full of long nights of sleep, plus naps. I feel like I’m finally no longer chronically sleep deprived. I require quite a bit of sleep, my preference is eight to nine hours every night. I haven’t been getting that for months. Until now. I’m getting regular sleep, and enjoying some naps too! Pretty much every afternoon I at least fake a nap. Yay sleep!

Family. With the three day weekend, I had the opportunity to spend time with family I hadn’t seen for awhile. I hung out with my mom, my brothers and their families, my cousin, who I have seen in decades, and his wife. Lots of laughs and sharing of stories.

Hummingbird Feeder. Last week, I mentioned that some hummingbirds have been visiting a tree outside my kitchen window. It’s on the second story and I wasn’t sure how I could get a feeder set up out there. Well, I came up with an ingenious solution! While there are all kinds of window feeders online, I didn’t want to order one and deal with all that. At my local store, I found a couple of small feeders designed to go in containers. I bought a couple of super suction cup hooks in the bathroom department, and voila! Kitchen window hummingbird feeder, plus a second one for my office window! Now, I need some patience while I wait for the birds to discover the new feeders.

Long Run. No seriously, I really do love my long runs. Even the three hour ones like last Saturday that was 18 miles. (Still eight miles shorter than the marathon!) I don’t listen to music while I run. Mostly, I just let my mind wander and check out what’s around me. This last weekend there was an event at PIR, with lots of vintage cars. I learned that roof top tents are a thing! Now I kind of want one. I do spend some time trying to manage my pace by staring too much at my GPS watch. I’m thrilled to say [warning: running geek info ahead!] I managed negative splits! I’ve starting trying to manage my pace almost as soon as I started running, I’m finally getting better at it.

The Bad

Static Bad Things. The things I mentioned last week remain the most annoying things of this week. I wish I could report otherwise. I’m still working, albeit very slowly on whittling down the email backlog, and while I did open up a couple more gigs of space on my hard drive, it’s still struggling. Janine shared with me a post from Lifehacker that might help.

Feeling Rushed. While I love getting a full night’s sleep (see Good above!) I didn’t like that I slept in longer than planned a couple times this week. I don’t normally need an alarm and only use one for times when I have to get up at 2am or something crazy. Most days, at least when I was sleeping normally, I’d wake up around 6 and have a leisurely morning, since I rarely schedule anything before 9am. But it seems that I might need to explore a gentle alarm, something that will help me be up in time to enjoy a relaxed beginning to my day rather than feeling rushed and pressed for time from the start.

The Rad

Workflowy. I’ve longed for a way of keeping track of everything I want to do, my ideas and projects and tasks and dreams and maybe someday’s. I’ve tried paper lists and organizers. I’ve tried electronic systems and online apps. Nothing has quite worked the way I wanted it too.

Until I discovered Workflowy.

I am in love with it! Like over the top, head over heels, I want to marry it. Now, of course we just met, workflowy and me, so we have things to discover still. It could turn out that we really just aren’t suited for each other, but I have a good feeling about this one.

Here, see for yourself in this short Workflowy promo video:

Want more? Learn everything you can do with Workflowy in this 1:45 how to video.

If you’ve been looking for a way to put your brain in writing, this may be it!

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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