Good | Bad | Rad #4

A look back at some of the best, worst and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Rocking Out. Super score at a garage sale this week. A great wooden rocking chair, perfect for my deck. I love sitting here, sneaking a peek at the river or just watching the clouds. It’s perfect for eating yogurt in the morning, reading in the afternoon, sipping wine in the evening or daydreaming anytime.

Hiking and Cycling and Running and Yoga. I’m able to train and move and be active outside again! And does it feel good. It even feels good to be a little sore from all the activity this week after so many weeks without. I know, I’m a little sick. But I tell you, once you’re addicted in the habit, it’s hard to go without.

Creating Community. I got together with a fabulous group of women this week. It’s so inspiring to spend time with people who are wise and funny and empathetic and curious and supportive. I love my virtual communities and there’s also something really powerful about sitting across the table from people IRL.

The Bad

Sad Anniversary. This week marked a year since my Dad died suddenly and unexpectedly. It was hard remembering all the things we were doing a year ago at this time. It seems like yesterday and a million years ago all at the same time. As difficult as it is, with the time and space of a year, it’s getting easier to remember him with a smile rather than tears. But still, lots of tears.

Fighting with Technology. For some reason, the various contact forms on this site have ceased to work. The worst part? They appear to be working. You send me a message using one of the forms? It gives you a cheery confirmation that your message was sent. Except that it never gets to me. And I can’t figure out the problem for the life of me. So please, if you want to reach me, email (!

The Rad

Systems and Planning. This week I had a session with Systems Savant Cairene at Third Hand Works. I have always dreamed of doing real planning in advance, as opposed to just dreaming about possibilities, but I usually bristle at the idea of locking myself in. Somehow, in working with Cairene, instead of feeling stifled by planning, I felt liberated by it.

I was able to create a map of what I want the next six months to look like that creates a feeling of freedom and spaciousness. From that map, I’m creating systems and routines that support me and my business. It’s happening organically and sustainably. It’s creating space for growth.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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