Ease Doesn’t Always Mean Easy

Trilliums Blooming on the Ridge Trail in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon by Shannon WilkinsonIt isn’t necessarily easy to let yourself have ease.

And, having ease doesn’t necessarily mean something will be easy.

I was raised to be a scrappy bootstrapper. If it doesn’t require tenacity, elbow grease and baling twine, it doesn’t really count. (I know, I know, I’ve also shared with you how I’m reluctant to do things that I don’t do well. Welcome to the paradox that is me.)

This trait and the skills it embraces can be a good thing.

It promotes creativity, problem-solving, getting shit done. But, I also notice that I just might be making things harder than they need to be. Sometimes, it’s way more efficient and cost-effective and easy to hire someone who knows what they’re doing. Or to ask for help. To, you know, find a way to bring a little more ease into the situation.

Contrary to what part of my brain thinks, there are not extra points awarded for making something more challenging than it needs to be. Also, how great would it be to have that time, energy and money available for other things? Just because I know how to change the oil in my car, doesn’t mean I can’t have a little more ease in my life by going to Jiffy Lube.

Ease doesn’t mean easy

Take marathon training. It isn’t easy. The running itself is hard. The schedule is hard. The lifestyle choices are hard.

And yet, there are definitely ways I can bring ease in.

Having a training plan. Make sure my clothes are clean. My GPS watch is charged. Have the fuel ready that I need before, during and after.

When I do those things, there is a sense of ease to my training. I don’t have to expend a lot of energy beyond what’s required for the running.

Where else can I add ease?

What goals or quests or challenges am I engaged in that could have greater ease? Where can I let things have ease, even if that doesn’t make them easy?

What about you?

Are there areas of your life that naturally have ease? Are there areas where you struggle with allowing ease?


Photo: Trilliums on the Ridge Trail in Forest Park


2 comments to Ease Doesn’t Always Mean Easy

  • fab

    Yeah, some part of my brain also thinks that there are extra points for making it harder than it should, and it’s also a rather silly part , because no matter how many times I show it it just doesn’t work like that, it keeps doing it… nice post, thank you.
    I’ve realized that this comes from focusing on the results and not on the effort and the when I focus and applaud the effort I made then it becomes ease-ier.

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