We have winners! Yay!

Mr. Aardvark, of Aardvark Essentials thank you very much,
Heidi Fischbach of Heidi’s Table,
and Shannon Wilkinson, that would be me of right here, are

Delighted to announce the people- and potion-winners of our contest!

[*Drum roll please!* Picture Shannon and Heidi, in fanciest of fancy Potion-Oscar gowns… Shannon hands Heidi the envelope:]

The Grand Prize goes to:

Great Prize One goes to:
Bridget (@intuitivebridge)

Great Prize Too goes to:
Elizabeth B

[When clapping dies down, Heidi hands Shannon another white envelope, this one with the Potion winners… Shannon is opening the envelope… Her eyes widen in surprise…]

“Oh. My! It’s a 3-way tie! And the winners are:”

Night Queen
(to develop your confident passion)

Losing It
(to calm the heck down in moments of overwhelm and fear)

(to help you live what’s true for you, without worrying about the world’s approval)

Wow! Yay! Cheers all around.

* * *

We had loads of fun reading all your votes, tweets and blog entries and send big kisses to everyone who participated and cheered us on.

Contest winners: We’ll be contacting you shortly to get your mailing information. Your potions will be mailed out in the next week, and your audio downloads will be available on Wednesday, July 28. Congratulations!

Because we’d love everyone to win in some way, and because we’re super excited to start selling these creations now, we are offering a Pre-Release Sale to anyone and everyone who would like to get in on the Audio+Potion Magics:

Order now, and get all 3 Potions &
accompanying Audios for the special price of:

$56 (plus shipping)
(after July 28th, the price will be $80)

Add to Cart

Like contest winners, your potions will be mailed out within in the next week, and your audio downloads will be available on Wednesday, July 28.

What will I get?

1/2 oz. of 3 Aardvark Essentials Potions
(artfully blended essential oils in a silky handmade lotion)


3 MP3 Inspiration-igniting and fear-taming hypnosis-y meditation audios
(to invite the potion’s intention at the deepest unconscious level)

Read more about the Audio+Potion Alchemy Package.

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