Have you been frustrated recently by people giving you a different response than you wanted? I don’t know if it’s something in the air, but a lot of my clients have been.
Besides paying attention to what it is you’re communicating, you might just be bringing your stick to someone who can’t throw it.
Oh, this sweet, sweet dog. He really just wants this guy to throw his stick. But the guy, on account of being made out of bronze, just can’t help him. It’s not the guy’s fault. He’s being the best statue of a man on a bench he can be. (And look at him, isn’t he awesome at that?)
Where do you take your stick?
As silly as this seems, we humans do this too. We take our sticks to people who can’t throw them for us. There isn’t anything wrong with them, they just aren’t designed to be stick throwers.
It’s a good thing to remember this when you’re seeking support, whether from a friend, family member or professional. People bring their skills, experience, habits, perspective, stuff, you know, their unique bronze statue-ness, to another person’s situation.
Start to notice.
Do you know someone who is particularly good at being enthusiastic for you? Talk to them when you’re exploring a tiny, not-quite-formed idea, a big dream, something you hold dear.
Do you know someone who always has an amazing knack for seeing the logical side of things and gives great advice? Talk to them when you have a problem that needs to be solved.
And file it away for future reference.
Know who always has a ready hug.
Know who can get you off your ass when you need to get moving.
Know who will throw your stick for you, when you want, more than anything, to chase a stick.
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