A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week.
The Good
Open Windows. And furnace off! Right now I have the windows open and I’m listening to the birds singing. There’s a little breeze, and it just smells so fresh! Plus, love, love, love that I haven’t had to have the furnace on all week.
Afternoon with my Mom. Finally was able to have my birthday celebration with my mom. We ate a delicious lunch, which included her trying oysters on the half shell for the first time! Saw an inspiring movie, Girl Rising. Walked and talked and laughed around Pioneer Courthouse Square, searching for our bricks.
Sleep Mask. Really, that should have multiple exclamation points after it. A period just doesn’t do my excitement justice. I’ve been wanting to try a sleep mask for awhile, but hated how they smushed my eyes. Then, my friend Andrea Schroeder told me about one she picked up at Powell’s while in town. I finally remembered to look while I was there this weekend and picked up my very own, Bucky 40 Blinks Ultralight Sleep Mask. I really really heart it. The first night my sleep was a little restless from having something on my head, but after a few days, I barely register that it’s there. It completely (and comfortably) blocks out ALL light. I can’t even tell the difference between my eyes being open or closed. Between this and my favorite ear plugs, I’m going to be able to sleep anywhere now! (BTW, do you know how hard it is to take a selfie while wearing a sleep mask? I’d share one with you if I didn’t look completely insane in all of them.)
The Bad
Foot pain. I’ve been working on my internet medical degree in podiatry this week. I can now name all of the bones of the foot and ankle (quick, point to your cuboid!). Icing, taping, epsom salts soaks, a bit of rest and massage have helped. I’m loathe to rest too much, because after last week at Boston, I’m even more determined to get there in 2014. I also know that pushing too hard could sideline me for a long time.
The Rad
Horizons. I have this thing where sometimes I just crave seeing the horizon. I want to see past my laptop, past the wall, past the houses across the street. I want to see far, far into the distance. With Portland’s tendency to have low cloud-cover, being outside and high-up isn’t always a guarantee you’ll get to see much.

The St Johns Bridge casts a fantastic shadow over Cathedral Park, with Mt. Saint Helens and Mt. Adams in the distance.
This week though, I’ve been treated to my favorite views on the horizon: snow-covered mountains. It was especially rad to see Mt. Hood, St. Helens and Adams, while doing hill repeats on the St. Johns Bridge approach.
The only thing better? If I were seeing those mountains from the top of another.
Incidentally, this is not a metaphor (unless maybe it is).
And you?
What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.
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