Good | Bad | Rad #31

A look back at some of the best, hardest and most surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Shannon Wilkinson Places 4th (Again)Another Ribbon. Even though I’ve been running for a couple of years now, it still amazes me that I am the least bit good at it. Too many years decades of believing I could never do it I guess.

There’s still plenty of room for improvement, and I’m quite thrilled with how I’ve been performing. Not to mention, how much fun I’m having — after all, I get to do this!

Success. Remember last week’s rad, Luna Jaffe’s kickstarter campaign? It funded! I’m so excited that her work is going to get out in the world more quickly now.

St. Johns Bridge at Dusk

The Bad

Fender Bender. No one was hurt, the cars were barely scratched, but nothing like a couple of tons of metal colliding to shake you up a little bit. Literally and metaphorically. Gave me the chance to practice some of my self-calming stuff.

The RadThe train that interrupted my run.

Clear Objectives. It’s much easier for me to focus and take action when I have a clear objective. I’ve learned this is true in pretty much any area of my life, but particularly with being active. After last weekend’s race, I decided to commit to running another marathon in the hopes of improving my time enough to

actually get into the 2014 Boston Marathon (that I’ve already qualified for).


I created a plan, and have been following it this week. This has already made a huge difference in my training. It’s also a great reminder what I discovered earlier this year about planning.

Looking East down the Willamette River, towards the BNSF train bridge, at sunset.

And even when my running was interrupted by a train, it gave me a chance to catch this beautiful shot of the river at dusk before I finished it up.

And you?

What were the Good | Bad | Rad parts of your week? Share them here, in the comments, or on the Perception Studios Facebook page.


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