Change Artist: Luna Jaffe

Luna Jaffe is the perfect person to kick off this new interview series, Change Artists.

She embodies so much of what I talk about here at Perception Studios, she’s one of those clients that makes me say, WOW!

She’s a big dreamer and a big do-er.

She’s embraced change for herself, so she can bring about change in the world.

She actively seeks ways to bring ease and joy into her life, while doing her big work.

As an artist and a Certified Financial Planner (seriously cool, right?!) she has powerful insights about money and creativity and how you can have them both.

Here’s a peek into Luna’s life as a Change Artist…

What’s the big change you’d like to see in the world?

I’m tired of “starving artist syndrome”!  I want to see creative people that are money savvy so that their big ideas get out into the world.  My message is that money skills can be learned — they just have to be taught differently.  We must engage our creativity, feelings and spirit and link them to practical, approachable ways to manage and grow our money.  I believe the world will become infinitely richer, colorful and peaceful if creatives have financial empowerment.

What changes have you made personally, either as a result of, or in order to do your big work?

After almost 2 decades of self employment as an artist and psychotherapist, I realized that I still didn’t understand money or business.  I committed to changing my path by becoming first a financial advisor, and later completing the coveted Certified Financial Planner(tm) designation.  I continue to learn about my relationship to money as I’ve gone through opening a new business, getting a divorce and launching two books.  It’s ongoing.  I study with people that are three steps (or more) ahead of me.  I have learned that I can learn about money, and so can you.

Big change takes energy, how do you rejuvenate and care for yourself?

I write every morning from 5-7am — for some that would be work, but for me it’s rejuvenation.  I hang out with my dogs and my family.  I walk in the park and soak in the hot tub.  I make love.  It’s a balancing act that is never perfect, yet my energy level has never been higher, and work doesn’t feel like work.

Big change takes vision, which others may not always get, how do you deal with critics?

I’ve been blessed with very few critics, other than the inner committee that lives inside me.  They are the harshest of all, and I often have to give them a different job — like watching the clock, or remembering numbers.  I expect that as I step out even further into the world as a public speaker I’ll encounter people that disagree with me or try to cut me down.  I will handle this by surrounding myself with people that see me and support my vision.

Big change takes action, how to you move forward consistently?

I stay focused on the big picture while doing the everyday tasks that get me there.  I try to practice what I preach, and when I fail I own it.  I ask for help.  Increasingly my superpower is this:  ask for help.  I used to think it was powerful, evolved or admirable to do things by myself, for myself.  Now, I’m wiser.  I have a team I consult with on different projects.  I am better at admitting I don’t know how to do something.  And I have a coach or accountability partner in my life… always!

Want to learn more about Luna & her work?

Whether you’re inspired, or just plain curious, check out the Kickstarter campaign for Luna’s books, Wild Money, and the Wild Money Journal. You can help change your perceptions about money and get this important message out into the world.

I’ve pledged my support.

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