Good | Bad | Rad

A look back at the best, worst and surprising parts of my week.

The Good

Amazing people in my life.

I knew this, but wow. I needed a lot of help this week and a fair amount of TLC and people just kept showing up when I needed them.

Laura took me to urgent care and monitored me post-concussion.

Debby brought me lunch and TTouched my eye. It reduced the pain and brought the swelling down enough that I could open it! That was a major improvement. The whole one eye, no depth perception thing was getting kind of old.

Janine helped me get work done and have fun doing it.

I’m really proud of myself for checking in to discover exactly what I really need in any moment and asking for it.

The Bad

Definitely the injuries from the freak accident with the roll cart. It required me to totally re-prioritize my time and put things off that I really wanted to get done.

Although I hate when the occasion arises that I need my crazy coaching skillz, a bad thing was made somewhat less bad because of it.

As I was laying in a heap, by myself in my friend’s backyard, I just kept chanting over and over in my head, “Hold it together, hold it together, hold it together. You can fall apart as soon as you get help.”

And I did.

The Rad

In the midst of all the crazy, I finalized an investment in my business that felt big. Big financially, big philosophically, big personally.

It was scary. And exciting. But mostly scary.

Now, I can confidently say that it far surpassed my expectations. It was magical and inspiring and oh-so-valuable. It’s going to be paying dividends for a long time to come.


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