Change Artistry: Get Started!

a group coaching program for people who want to get started on a project (and have fun doing it).

It’s something like this . . .

You have this project you’ve been wanting to do. It could be writing a book, learning guitar, running a race, cleaning out the basement, knitting a sweater. Whatever it is, you’ve been thinking about it for awhile. But every time you think about it, there’s a really good reason why now isn’t the right time to get started.

The problem is, the right time never seems to come. So the project stays undone, and you start beating yourself up about it.

I know, it’s easy to do. (I’ve done it too.)

It might seem like a lack of willpower, the right system, or more time, but . . . it’s not. The real problem is that there’s outdated mental conditioning and unhelpful beliefs making it exponentially harder to get started (and stay started).

JanineHeadshot“Change Artistry: Get Active was fantastic. It really helped me shift the way I think about exercise, turning it from drudgery into something I do as a favor to myself. I felt that shift after the very first class and it has stuck!

I think what is helping it stick is that it kept me mindful over an extended period of time, there was an element of accountability and group cheerleading, and your exercises are so effective that I saw swift results. Your tools feel a little bit like magic, they’re so effective. I’m already signed up for Get Started!”

Janine Adams, CPO, CPO-CD

Here’s the good news:

You can find the time, get started and have fun making progress on your project.

Moving forward on any project with ease comes from clearing out the unhelpful stuff inside, so you can do what works for you, your schedule, your lifestyle.

Not trying to shoehorn yourself into someone else’s system.

Not torturing yourself over the money spent on supplies sitting unused.

Not someone else’s idea of how you should be.

That’s where Change Artistry: Get Started comes in.

This is about changing your mindset, clearing out the unhelpful conditioning, and (re)discovering how great it feels to make progress on a project — to move forward on something that really matters to you.

I know that sounds hard, maybe even impossible, but that’s why working with me is different.

When your unconscious mind is on your side,
there’s no limit to what you can do.

Not only do I have experience helping my clients start (and finish) big projects, but I’ve done it myself too. Like going from a couch potato to qualifying for and running the Boston Marathon. Like starting multiple businesses. Like writing a book.

I know what works and doesn’t work. I have so many mind-bending tools and strategies, that it doesn’t matter what’s been keeping you from your project, it can be transformed. (Because either I or one of my clients has probably experienced it too.)

It doesn’t matter what your project is, these tools and processes will help you get all parts of you in line with getting your project started and moving forward with ease.

Is Get Started for you?

Here’s what you need:

  • The willingness to show up however you are right now.
  • The curiosity to learn what works for you and what doesn’t.
  • The desire to get started on a project that matters to you (even if you can’t imagine how that will happen).
  • The enthusiasm to cheer on your Change Artistry team.

Change Artistry: Get Started is structured to help you . . .

Jumpstart a project — whether you know just what you want to be doing (and just aren’t doing it) or you’re unsure where to start (and so you don’t) — wherever you are right now, is the perfect place to start.

Change Artistry: Get Started will also help you . . .

  • Train your brain to support your desires to get started, instead of shutting them down and unmet.
  • Commit to changes in a way that’s easy, peaceful, and playful.
  • Learn to discern the difference between your true desires and your programmed auto-responses.
  • Create an entirely different relationship with reality — like wearing an invisible pair of clarity goggles.

Change Artistry: Get Started includes:

Four 75 minute group coaching classes, by phone, with practical content, mind-bending tools and lots of time for questions and coaching. (These will also be recorded so you can listen again, whenever you want a jumpstart.)

A private Change Artistry lounge (on Facebook) to share your progress, challenges and support.

A playbook filled with treats and tools to keep for life — like re-do-able worksheets, guides and call transcriptions.

The first teleclass is Thursday, June 19th at 11am PT, the remaining three are on 6/26, 7/10 and 7/17. (We’ll be skipping a week in the middle for the July 4th holiday.)

Investment: $250

Ready to roll?
Take one (easy) step.

If you’re ready to Get Started, start by choosing one payment or two.


For one payment of $250 click the Pay Now button:

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For one payment of $125 now and a second payment of $125 in four weeks, click the Payments button:



Not sure if Get Started is right for you? Book a STRATEGY SESSION — 30-minutes of brain-time, with me. No charge. No catch. Fill out the form, hit submit and check your inbox for an email to schedule your session. Easy peasy.

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