Apropos of Nothing: the I can’t believe I’m posting this version

I came across this video last week.

This  internet meme isn’t new with videos (this Jimmy Fallon one is especially fun) and snowclones from the chorus. But this video, well, it’s just a weeeeeee bit different.

There are so many things that you could learn from this video:

  • The element of surprise.
  • The power of not taking yourself too seriously.
  • Never underestimate the power of a catchy phrase.
  • Mostly it’s about how people vary, and watching the whole range of reactions gives you a real experience of that.

But right now?

I’m tired of lessons and learning,  so right now this video is about laughing for the sake of feeling good. About watching something that makes you laugh until tears are rolling down your face, even after multiple viewings.

So enjoy.

Well, except for the inevitable ear worm. I apologize in advance for that. Now seriously, enjoy!


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