Referral Program

I’m so glad to see you here! You’re probably visiting this page because you bought one of my products or have done some coaching with me and loved it so much you want to tell other people about it. And that’s great because that’s my favorite way to get new clients and customers.

What’s in it for you

Because I appreciate your referrals so much, I’ve created this program to give you Thank You Monies in the form of a percentage of each purchase you refer. For group classes you get 30% and for electronic, downloadable products you get 50%.

Making the most of referrals

In other words, getting more buck for your bang. Or something like that. Anyway. After you sign up and get your links, use them in mentions or reviews of my products or services on your blog, twitter about them, put the links on your facebook page, you know, basically spread the word in a way that’s comfortable for you.

E-Junkie, the shopping cart service I’m using, takes care of the rest. Every time someone clicks on your link, it records it, and tracks all purchases made over the next six months. Then your Thank You Monies will magically show up in your paypal account the following month.

For more ideas on how to be successful at referral marketing, read Naomi Dunford’s post about it. Of course she does it in her own IttyBiz style, i.e. a sarcastic How to Suck at Affiliate Marketing rant sprinkled tastefully with expletives and then tells you what you really need to do at the end. Really good helpful ideas there.

A smidge of fine print

Payments are made about 4 weeks after the end of each month. So if you refer a sale in mid-June, you’ll get paid by the end of July. There is no minimum pay-out amount, you’ll get paid after your first sale! Payments are made through Paypal.

I’m sure that you’ll talk about my products and refer people with only the highest level of integrity, but if for some reason I don’t think my products are a good fit for your website, or marketing methods, I reserve the right to withdraw the Referral program. I seriously doubt this’ll ever come up, but you know, just in case.

Get started by clicking here.

Already a referral partner? Log-in to your account.

Questions? Get a hold of me, and ask away!

Referral Program Tools

I’ll be adding more information and graphics as I add products and services to the referral program.

If you’re unfamiliar with E-Junkie, here’s how to get your referral links, so you get credit!

  • After you’ve signed in to e-junkie’s affiliate page, click on “Get Affiliate Code.”
  • On the next page, choose “Shannon Wilkinson” as the merchant using the drop down menu. Then click, “Get Affiliate Code.”
  • If you just want to direct people to my homepage, you’d use the “Common Affiliate Hop Link” in the upper box. You can paste the HTML code, altering the text if you want. Or you can copy just the link in the quotes, and use it for linking like any URL.
  • To direct people to specific products, scroll down a bit to the “Get Product Specific Affiliate Links” section. Choose the product you want, and click “Get Affiliate Code”.
  • You can paste the HTML code, altering the text if you want. Or you can copy just the link in the quotes, and use it for linking like any URL.

Boring Change

It’s a process that helps make change so easy, it’s boring. The Boring Change Kit includes a couple of audios, a guidebook and a few other tools to help people change habits and patterns the boring way.

To learn more about it, check out the sales page.

The offer is set up in e-junkie, and your affiliate link will take readers to the sales page above.

A .jpg version

A .jpg version

A .png version

A .png version







Let me know if you’d like a different color badge.


Explore and Play at the Studios

Free, monthly group coaching calls

These calls are free, but you can still get credit for referring people to my site. Use your affiliate link from e-junkie to help spread the word about the free calls and if someone you referred buys something else in the next six months, you’ll get credit.





Declutter Happy Hour and Quick Clutter Fix









Quick Clutter Fix QCF QCF-Emergency

Choose the E-junkie product code based on where you want people to land when they click on the link. (They are all “hop links” so you’ll get credit for any product purchased within 6 months. Even new ones added in the future!)

  • If you chose the code for the product, “Declutter Happy Hour CORE course” the link lands on the Declutter Happy Hour page, which has a badge/link right at the top to get the free stuff.
  • If you chose the code for the product, “Declutter Happy Hour PREMIUM” the link goes directly to
  • Get your link through E-junkie’s affiliate section.

    Questions? Get a hold of me, and ask away!