Thanks VIP


Thank you!

Thanks for signing up for Declutter Happy Hour! Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you.

Just one more step

Another email, this one from us, should be winging its way into your inbox shortly. It has the subject line: Response Required for Delivery of Your Declutter Happy Hour E-Course!

There may be a short delay depending on how busy the servers are, but if you haven’t received it within a day, and it’s not trapped by your spam filters, please let us know. (Send an email to: dhh at shannonwilkinson dot com)

Once you do receive it, just click on the link to confirm your subscription and you’re all finished with the sign-up process. Your Declutter Happy Hour e-course will begin showing up in your inbox on June 18th!

In the meantime

While you’re waiting, get some inspiration from past Declutter Happy Hour participants over at the Cheers! page. Participants in our teleclasses submitted before and after pictures of their decluttering projects. The results are wonderful.

After June 18th, you’ll be creating similar results in your life! We can’t wait to be a part of your decluttering success. Just imagine what your life will be like when you can get to the things your really love.

Schedule your VIP sessions

Also, it looks like you opted for the VIP sessions. You can schedule these to occur anytime within three months of your purchase. Just click for Janine’s contact information and Shannon’s contact info to schedule your sessions right away.

We’re looking forward to our one-on-ones with you!