Declutter Happy Hour


After years of helping people with their clutter, we have decided to shelve the Declutter Happy Hour e-course.

We’d love to have you keep up with us though!

You can find Janine online at Peace of Mind Organizing and Organize Your Family History.

Shannon’s at her coaching site.

Clutter is an obstacle to happiness. It takes up space both in your home and office, and also in your mind. Being surrounded by disorganization and too much stuff drains your energy and leaves you feeling overwhelmed and incompetent.

You’ve tried different organizing systems, forcing yourself to just do it, even stashing the clutter so you don’t have to look at it. But somehow even if you get some of the clutter handled, it manages to creep back in until there you are, mired in the middle of it again.

A different approach, Declutter Happy Hour, an e-course

The problem with those other strategies you’ve tried is they don’t take into account the emotional side of clutter. The issues that create the clutter in the first place and make it hard to get rid of. We won’t be digging deep into your past to find out why clutter has been an issue for you, but on each recording we use some fun, inspiring and relaxing techniques to help you clear some of this emotional clutter so you are free to take care of your physical clutter. Then you can have the clear, clutter-free life you’ve always wanted.

This class helped me deal with clutter on the three fronts I needed it most: 1) the practical, how-to side of things, 2) the emotional/overwhelm/dear god I’ll never be perfect! side of things, and 3) actually carving out some chunks of time to DO the work. I felt supported throughout the process, and best of all, I never felt like I was in it alone. I always felt like additional help or ideas were just a phone call or email away. Also? You have no idea what you can accomplish in just 20 or 30 minutes until you take this class. You will be astonished. I say this as someone who started out skeptical and is now a total fangirl for this class. I will be signing up again. Oh yes.Marissa Bracke – Ossian, Indiana

What makes Declutter Happy Hour so different?

If decluttering were easy, you’d just do it. But for many, and we suspect you, it’s a struggle. It’s not unusual for clients to shed a tear or two when dealing with their stuff. There’s a lot of emotion tangled up with clutter…why you have it, why it’s so tough to deal with, why it keeps you from having the life you really love.

We’ve infused a special, almost magical, ingredient into Declutter Happy Hour that addresses this emotional stuff, helps you clear those issues that make it so difficult to just do it.

That magic comes from Shannon’s use of neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis. She has completed extensive training and worked with hundreds of people to learn and fine-tune these methods that really work. It’s about helping you get your actions aligned with what you really want. And being clear about what you want and why you want it.

NLP is uniquely useful with this. To have a better understanding, here’s a definiton of NLP from the book, NLP by Joseph O’Connor and Ian McDermott.

‘Neuro’ refers to the mind and how we organize our mental life. ‘Linguistic’ is about language, how we use it and how it affects us. ‘Programming’ is about our sequences of repetitive behavior and how we act with purpose…well-grounded in psychological theory and research, NLP is first and foremost about action. It gives you more choices in your mind and body…NLP explores how we think and feel and studies or ‘models’ excellence in every walk of life.

Because you will have more choices available to you, your struggles begin to disappear. And so does the clutter.

What you’ll get from the Declutter Happy Hour e-course:

  • A plan to follow and inspiration to work on the stuff that’s been bugging you. No more “I’ll get to it later” excuses.
  • Daily inspiration and motivation to take action and check things off your to-do list. You don’t have to struggle alone. In fact, you don’t have to struggle at all.
  • Lasting tools to help you create a decluttered space and maintain it, long after the course is over.
  • Decluttered physical space and mind so you can do the things you really love.
I love the leaders. I can tell that you both really understand the nature of the problem.Ann Harbert – Ballwin, Missouri

We’re here to help!

Hi, we’re Janine Adams and Shannon Wilkinson, and we’re teaming up to bring you this unique and fun way to help you declutter your life and keep it that way.

A few words from Janine: I love witnessing the freedom people experience when they rid their lives of clutter and get organized. I’m a Certified Professional Organizer® and owner of Peace of Mind Organizing.

And from Shannon: I love helping people discover and develop their unique thing. I’m a certified coach, hypnotherapist, trainer and master practitioner of Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology.

Declutter Happy Hour was extremely helpful. The dynamic duo of Janine Adams, with her practical advice, and Shannon Wilkinson, who delves into the emotional issues of clutter, and the 30 minute decluttering sessions were fantastic. Thanks for your help.Cathy Barash – Des Moines, Iowa

How Declutter Happy Hour works:

Each week, for four weeks, you’ll receive a link to a different recording of a Declutter Happy Hour teleclass that took place in April 2009. You can listen to it on your computer or download it so that you can listen to it on your iPod or other mp3 player. During the recordings, you’ll get an energizing combination of practical organizing tips and suggestions PLUS inspiring and relaxing techniques to deal with the emotional side of clutter.

The recordings have been wonderful. I put them in my iPod, pop the headphones on, and just start working. It is great to have you guys available whenever.Crystal Williams – Bowie, Maryland

We don’t just share the theory and techniques and have you go it alone. There will be time during each recording for you to work on real clutter in your space. You choose the space, from a long-neglected closet to piles in the office or chaotic computer files. If you aren’t sure where to start, you’ll be guided through a process to help you decide. Then, you set your timer, we recommend 30 minutes, go off to declutter, and come back for the wrap up, just as if you were in the live class.

In addition to the recordings, you also receive tipsheets with the practical information presented in the recording, as well as worksheets to help you maximize the benefit of the magical NLP portion of the class. And each day of the 28-day program, you’ll receive a Declutter Happy Hour Tasty Bite, an email from Janine and Shannon offering some sort of tip, insight, motivation or inspiration to spur you on.

If you opt for the Premium version of the program, you’ll receive an additional set of four recordings from the May class, which has added information on handling paper. You’ll also receive a bonus PDF on organizing your paper. And your Premium purchase gets you priority email access to Janine and Shannon, so you can ask questions and receive some extra support in your decluttering efforts.

For the first time, I’ve worked with organizational materials and haven’t felt inadequate that I couldn’t keep it perfect afterward. I now know that doing a little bit at a time is sufficient.Rhonda Lane – Southington, Connecticut

Declutter Happy Hour e-Course Options

Premium e-Course
Four audios delivered weekly. Each audio is recorded to allow declutter time that fits your schedule.
Four PDF tipsheets delivered weekly. Each tipsheet includes strategies and ideas from the weekly focus.
Four PDF worksheets delivered weekly. Each worksheet is specifically designed to help you work through the NLP process on each recording, to refer back to as you continue decluttering and monitor your progress as you clear your space.
Four weeks of daily emails to inspire, educate, challenge and help you build useful habits.
Four more Declutter Happy Hour audios, with some new information, including specific guidance on dealing with paper clutter.
An additional tipsheet full of helpful ideas and guidance on dealing with paper clutter.
Priority email access to Janine and Shannon. You can use this to ask questions and get a bit of extra support for your decluttering efforts.
Price $97Add to Cart $127Add to Cart

This is a great way to get started on getting rid of the stuff that gets in the way of living your life the way that you want to. It’s a cost-effective and fairly easy way to get the advice and support of two experts to help make changes in your lifestyle.Marita Perlak – Kapolei, Hawaii

Our Take the Time Money Back Guarantee

Even the most amazing products don’t work if you don’t use them. We are confident that you will see a real change in your space when you Take the Time to listen to just one of the recordings and follow the recommendations. But if you’re not satisfied with your progress, we’ll refund your entire purchase price up to 30 days after you bought it. Or, we will Take the Time and personally coach you on a one-hour call to help you move past your decluttering struggles. And if you still aren’t satisfied? We’ll refund your money.

Still aren’t sure?

Are you concerned that you have too much clutter, or that your issues aren’t right for this course? Ask us using the form at the bottom of this page, and take a look at these before and after pictures taken by past participants (and the two of us). Don’t you just love before and after pictures?

Past participants were surprised by how much they accomplished in just 30 (or even 15) minutes of decluttering. We want to make sure this is the right program for you, so please share any concerns or questions you might have. And we’ll get back to you within 24 hrs during the week, maybe a little longer over the weekends.

Are you having a clutter emergency right now?

You need our free download, Quick Clutter Fix. This seven-step process helps you get your home ready for guests without creating more problems to deal with in the future. Get your copy here.


Please ask! You can email one of us directly at janine at peaceofmindorganizing dot com or shannon at shannonwilkinson dot com OR use the form below to email both of us! (Your email won’t be used for any purpose other than to respond to your question. You’ll be redirected to this page after submitting your question.) We’ll get back to you promptly, within a day during the week and maybe a bit longer over the weekend.
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