Subscription confirmed

Yay, you made it! Here are your special gifts:

Start here.

Get centered.

Let’s start with a super-quick centering practice:

> Check In With Yourself
(click to play the mp3, right-click to download and listen later)

Play this 5-minute audio piece whenever you need an immediate stream of peace, calm + mental quiet. Say . . . right now?

Next up.

Get confident.

When you’re ready to dig in a little deeper:

> Create Confidence – an Explore & Play Coaching Class
(click to play the mp3, right-click to download and listen later)

> Create Confidence Companion PDF

Listen to this, and practice the process, when you want to learn how you can feel confident in any situation.

Any time.

Talk to me.

What’s one BIG dream, project or goal you’ve been aching to complete — but haven’t been able to nudge forward?

Tell me about it. (I might have an idea or two, for you . . . )

[contact-form 6 “ExplorePlay”]
