
I found this in a box of old photos the other day. I painted it, and gave it to my Grandma. It came back to me after she died.

Daisies have always been one of my favorite flowers. So sunny and bright. I just love the charming lopsided-ness of this one.

I think about four-year-old . . . → keep reading

Advance Planning Sandwich

It’s my end-of-the-week Feedback Sandwich*. It’s like a pat on the back, wrapped around a wish. Totally magic. Please, join in and make yourself a sandwich in the comments! Reviewing the Blog Challenge

As I wrote about last Friday, I hit my goal of posting five days a week for one-month. Today, I want to . . . → keep reading

Mission Accomplished

On April 24th I announced that I was starting a one-month blogging challenge, together with my friend and collaborator, Janine Adams.

I did it!

Today marks the end of the month, and what I was really after, four full weeks on my Don’t Break the Chain tally.

Look at that! I’m really satisfied with what . . . → keep reading

The Satisfaction of Labor

I have another business besides this coaching practice. I have some rental properties. And, my business partner and I do most of the work ourselves. This means I have cleaned and painted and tiled and fixed and roofed and done a million other odd jobs over the years on different properties.

Here’s my little secret. . . . → keep reading

In Praise of 750 Words

In that post about cheating, I mentioned that it was partially drafted on the site 750 words (as was this post). I’ve been on and off of 750 Words for the last year, racking up over 80,000 words in 98 different daily entries.

750 Words is a very simple journaling site that counts your words . . . → keep reading

Flashback thanks to Facebook

Mr. Leonard, my Junior High School band teacher popped up in the People You May Know box on Facebook. Wow. Just seeing his name and picture brought back so many memories!

Under his guidance, we learned our chosen instruments more deeply, and we expanded beyond them. I was already playing clarinet so I also learned . . . → keep reading

Someone In Your Corner

Each week I have two regularly scheduled calls. One is with my mastermind Superheroes group and the other is with a friend and colleague who was in a different mastermind group with me.

Having these calls each week creates space for me to work through stuck places, to process aloud, to ask for advice, and . . . → keep reading

Automatic Sandwich

It’s my end-of-the-week Feedback Sandwich*. It’s like a pat on the back, wrapped around a wish. Totally magic. Please, join in and make yourself a sandwich in the comments! Building In R&R Time

In my last Sandwich I wanted to incorporate more rest and recovery time into my days. I have been doing that. . . . → keep reading

Hey Shannon #2 – Is this typical?

Last week while in St. Louis I had the pleasure of one-on-one, in-person sessions with three delightful, and very different women. Each woman wanted coaching on a different issue, and yet at some point in the session each one asked a version of the same question, “is this typical?”

I know I’ve been asked that . . . → keep reading

The Problem with Balance


Seems like the ideal right? Balanced diet. Life balance. Many of my clients come to me craving balance in their lives. Sometimes it’s balance in a particular area, sometimes, it’s a quest for complete life balance.

Even this cork is touting the quest for balance.

Sure, from a certain vantage point, balance looks pretty . . . → keep reading